Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy International Dance Day

I danced once this week. Once. I didn't even warm up, I just jumped into rehearsal, and it lasted all of 15 minutes. Then I cooled down. I arrived late as I had deliverables at work, and the problem with having a full-time job that isn't dance-related is it's quite difficult to squeeze a lot of dancing in, especially when you'd rather spend your free time passed out at home.

For example, today was the royal wedding and while everyone was glued to their TV/live stream, I was able to leave the office relatively early. Today was also International Dance Day, and there was a street show in Cubao and a gala performance in Quezon City. But instead of heading to these venues, I went home and vegged out in front of the TV.

It was a trying week for me, actually, a lot of office politics, deadlines, coordination, etc. It would depress me except I got a little bit of dancing in the middle of all the craziness. I remember when I was a few months into the full-time job and set to go on a Visayan tour with PBT and had to rush to rehearsal straight from work. I'd be so weary from work, I'd wonder where I would get the strength to rehearse after. But as soon as I stepped into the studio and started dancing, the weariness would all disappear.

The same thing happened yesterday. It was just some arm movements and simple steps and some pretzel rolls and it felt AWESOME - all fifteen minutes of it.

Being able to do this only once this week is still quite sad, but I want to tell myself that each week is different and next week I'll get more dancing in, and maybe even more the week after that. Maybe not so much dancing the week after that, but maybe it will pick up again in the next week.

What's important is that I was able to dance once. In the middle of a very difficult week. And on the eve of International Dance Day, too. It reminds me of what I should be grateful for.

Hope you had dance in your life this week too. Happy International Dance Day everyone.

Read this year's IDD message over at

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