Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mabuhay muli

Reanimating this blog, which I've been purposefully neglecting for some time, under the pretense that I'm so busy yadda yadda. I do realize that I have previously updated the blog to say how I'm going to do more dance writing and focus on more dance scholarship, yadda yadda, and then I don't blog again for a few weeks/months. And so, this is not a blog post about getting serious about dance writing and/or scholarship again, although I do exactly have those plans. But no, must not blog about that.

I must say, however, that I've been asked to attend a choreographer's workshop, not as a choreographer (haha.. Ahem) but as an observer who will document the proceedings with a blog. I am quite honored they thought of me, though I was probably engaged for my more popular published writings rather than my blog posts, because as all of you will note here, I have not been blogging much except to say, "Hello blogosphere, I am going to start blogging more because I'm going to be more serious about dance writing from now on..."

That said, I have been seriously writing about dance, more so this year than in 2010, as you will note with how updated Runthru magazine is this year compared to last year. And I've kinda relaxed the last couple months, but I'm quite dedicated again. Check out the proof here:

I won't say I'm going to blog more regularly from now on. Instead, hey, mabuhay. :D

In essence, "Mabuhay muli" is "Mabuhay again." Of course, the actual translation for "mabuhay" is "Go live," but I'm using "Mabuhay" as that phrase we keep using in this blog. Trying to be witty.

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