But I love this photo. If how I feel about Romeo and Juliet can be encapsulated in one image, it would be exactly this.
This was used as publicity posters in New York buses (or subways? eep, I forget) for the 2000 ABT May - July season. It's supposed to be Romeo and Juliet at the crypt, one about to die, one about to awaken. Which is strange because unlike Pazik's choreography (which is what my company does), Macmillan's crypt scene does not have Romeo and Juliet lying together at any time, except when they're both dead. And Romeo is never shirtless at any point in the ballet.
Not that I'm complaining. Aaah, such a pretty man.
Hey! The actual poster can be viewed on Angel's website (which is en Espagnol, haaaaay, what a turn on). When you get there, just click on Galeria on the menu and scroll down for Portadas. In the poster, you get to see a nippy! Shempre it got me all hot and bothered, how embarassing.
No Jo, you were never one to object to the sight of a shirtless man. How does that song go again? "Freak topless moron...". Angel don't look like a moron though, he looks very...able
hey, i DID object to the freak topless moron. not all shirtless men are yummy. unlike our fine specimen above ;P hi la!
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