Thursday, July 22, 2004

Like burnt sienna

I copped this from a friend's blog; he copped it from Friendster, but answered everything dutifully (though wittily).  I just grabbed a few choice questions as I've already answered a lot of them in past Friendster surveys and most of the surveys from Friendster already look like one another.

Have you ever had a song written about you?
Yes, a couple, both were heartbreaking admissions of love; it was like he was saying, Okay I love you and I know you don't care but here it is, anyway.  Actually, the second song was he was admitting it only in the song, but if anyone asks him, he'll pretend he doesn't know what the hell.  I still love that song, it has the most staggering lyrics ever ("Falling cathedrals in the mean meantime..." is like WHOA!).  The songs didn't go on their album.  I guess it was his way of moving on.  I super respect that, but I would love to hear them again someday.

What song makes you cry?
Dave Matthews Band's The Space Between, especially when it comes to that part at the end that goes, "The rain that falls, splash in your heart..."

What song makes you happy?
Blind Melon's No Rain and it will always make me happy.

Do you believe there's a difference between "love" and "in love"?
How about "love" is the feeling while "in love" is the state of being?  Or something like that?

Favorite place to be touched?
The back of my head and the soft underside of my arms.  Most of the other places are neutral territory because my pas de deux partners get to manhandle them daily.  Most hated places to be touched would be my pits and my neck.  While my friends praise my alarmingly white and hairless pits, I feel self conscious about being touched there.  In this dance I'm doing now, my pas de deux partner has to lift me up by my pits.  I thought he was going to hold me by the waist to lift me in front of him, so I screamed when he went straight for my underarms.  I still jump when they make contact, even when I'm expecting it.  He makes a game of it now, when we rehearse, sometimes reaching for them even before he's supposed to, sometimes moving his fingers in a rippling motion while grinning idiotically at me.  As for my neck, I don't like anything on my neck - not hands, not high collars or turtlenecks, not chokers or necklaces or any kind of jewellery; it feels suffocating.  Notice though, that my most hated places to be touched are right beside my favorite places.  I thought that was interesting.

What's in your cd player right now?
A DMB live bootleg.  I'm thinking, this man has too many songs about his women (or perhaps one woman in particular?) not staying.  I love him but it makes you start to wonder what he does that seem to be driving them away.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Brick red.

My friend answered Burnt Sienna.  It super fits him, it's uncanny.

1 comment:

L said...
