Thursday, July 15, 2004

Speaking of deleting entire blogs...

My good good friend used to have a live journal and she would make these short and incredibly witty entries about the strangest things (she once wrote about how her friend or boyfriend - don't remember who exactly - asking her to the Black Eyed Peas concert and she was like, should she go even if the music is "mejo le snore?" Hahaha). I discovered it by accident and I loved reading her entries; we haven't been seing much of each other lately so reading her LJ was a treat. Then, one day, her LJ suddenly disappeared. I haven't asked her why because I'm so into the respecting online privacy jazz. I figure I can ask her when I see her next.

While I'm being all cowardly lion here in my sleepyhouse, I have to admit that I did the right thing. That old blog of mine was too loaded with stuff. I'm making a commitment to blog more responsibly from now on. Which means the entries will be more fun to read, no more high drama and whining from me. At least, I hope not.

I miss my old blog. I miss how blue it was. Ack, withdrawal symptoms.

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