Thursday, November 25, 2004

time offline

Relaxing in the Las Pinas summer house after the show. A little birdy (not me, though it's possible) used up all the internet, but I didn't skedaddle getting new creds for the dial up as I was doing other stuff that I've been neglecting. I finished a load of laundry, organized my closets, repaired my nice ballet shoes, tinkered with my laptop, started writing my new assignment for job #2. I also wrote in my offline journal - important stuff I want to keep to myself, thoughts about my show, conversations I've been having with my favorite man, plans I want to make. I feel good.

I also relaxed my heel. In my last entry, I complained about my heel bothering me, well here's why: there's a blister the size of a ten cent coin on my right heel, it hurt slightly the first two shows but really nearly killed me on the Saturday matinee and I couldn't walk or jump. Then, on the evening show, my other heel felt left out and started to open up a blister all its own.

Why I got them: my Gaynors are too small for me? Tara says she also got blisters on her heels the first time she wore Gaynors so it's not quite a foreign thing; she advised me not to peel off my callouses if I wanted to be able to use my Gaynors for a long time.

After dancing this weekend trying to zen myself from all that pain, I realized that my pain threshold must have gone up a bunch of notches. BDS&M, here we come.

Well, if I wanted to, of course, hehehe.


joelle said...

gross ba? sowee. we dancers do the strangest thing to our feet. eek, by the way, i couldn't text you at all today, my phone died and won't resurrect :C

Anonymous said...

haha, i guess that's your version of "just swallow your phlegm, don't cough it up" for singers.

so are these gaynors some special kind of shoes? wawa naman your poor feet.


Anonymous said...

yikes!!!!!! that sounds more like an old wives' tale to me. ew.
