Friday, November 12, 2004

which brings us right here

The strangest thing happened to me the other day and, stranger, it only bothered me today. Well, it sort of bothered me the other day, but I pushed it from my mind because I had rehearsals and I had other fun stuff to do and I seem to have a filter for the bad things that happen to me, at least recently. But I got to thinking about it today, during rehearsal, and I decided I wanted to say something about it and then leave it in peace.

The reason why I'm blogging about it is it's about my blog. Well, about my last blog, not The Sleepyhouse. But it's related to why The Sleepyhouse exists, so there.

I ran out of masking tape and went to the office to scrounge for some and while taping my feet, administration (well, it's just Cherie, Tito G and Angie now) were all aflurry with getting press releases and invites to the press. Tito G was non-stop, "Text brigade!!! And get it on the internet, email details, whatever you can! 50% off!!!!" I said, "I put it on my blog already."

As soon as I said that, I was a bit glad that everyone may not have heard me because 1. I didn't want to really get into what a blog was and 2. I wasn't going to show Tito G what I wrote about him not finishing his choreography on my blog. And then Cherie sweetly said, "I've seen your blog, Joelle."

First thought was, oh well, Tito G may find it cute the way I said it. Then, Cherie continued and said, "It was an entry about being happy that everyone were like one big happy family and the company being close-knit."


I then realized, she meant my last blog, Joelle So Far on jete.blogspot. It was an entry I wrote during La Bayadere. I meant it at the time, but that was before certain people thought we had stabbed them in the back.

Because of my killing Jete, I vowed never to blog about people who work my nerves and why; most especially people in the community I work in. But can I just say that whatever I blogged that day, I super take it all back. One big happy family my fat ass.

In rehearsal, though, I felt a small compensation to see that what happened because of our disappearance did not turn out to be so bad. Quite the opposite. As a result, certain people got chances to dance things that they normally wouldn't have enjoyed. And I found I could do things beyond all known philosophies. Cryptic, I know, but I don't want to go into detail, lest Cherie googles a word or two in the future and finds this blog.

In a nutshell, may I reiterate: the universe knows what's due us. Peace out.

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