Wednesday, February 16, 2005

i'm so sleepy but the sleepyhouse needs me

I hadn't had much sleep over the last few days, much less time to blog, so here I am again doing the bulletpoints. It's amazing how my life is now convertible into bulletpoints. But I digress.
  • My weekend was good. Running a ballet school is a breeze; perhaps the hardest part about it was getting up and leaving early enough to get to the studio before the students got there. That was the only stressful part of it, teaching all those classes were not only fun but encouraging. Encouraging because I now feel like teaching is one of those things that I'm excellent at. And I need the encouragement because scroll down to the next bulletpoint.

  • It's more or less decided. I'm going to teach in UE. I think next semester. I haven't signed contracts yet and I don't know how much I'm supposed to get, but I've been called to examine the curriculum and prepare a tentative syllabus. I'll give you details when things are more definite and carved in stone.

  • Some bad news. I was picked on. Because I'm the only one they can pick on. I felt bad about it because I couldn't believe that these were the people I had to deal with and the impassioned, morally-sound protector of the helpless in me just found the entire thing unfair. Don't take it out on me if you're unhappy with what you're given, if you think what you have is going to be taken away from you. Don't take it out on me if you were born an asshole and will remain an asshole your entire life. Don't take it out on me if you can't take it out on people who do much worse and get away with it. But I was trained to know from the get-go that life is often unfair and many assholes walk the earth. I was trained not to show that their pettiness and spitefullness got to me, even if they did.

  • On a brighter note, I rock. I had three performances today, and while high school boys weren't falling in love at me the way they were with Tara, I danced my butt off in all of them and was very happy with myself. I did not fall apart even if my body was tired (and my butt was killing me, since I did dance it off) and my toes were painful. I slipped only once - at the end of the tours de finis in Classical Symphony but caught myself and threw myself into that arabesque and tried to hold that penchee against the ineptitude of my partner and saved that dance when it would have been unsalvageable. I pat myself on my back.

  • My butt still hurts though. Maybe I need a Mathilde-esque massage.

  • I really don't care if high school boys aren't screaming when I do my curtsy, it's just funny to mention because I had gotten so used to being hounded by the underaged and then when they finally prefer somebody younger, I'm all WTF? A woman's gotta have her pride, ya know? Anyway, in the real world, there's only one younger man for me, even if he's only younger by eight months. He matches me on every level and I'm still reeling from the wonderful weekend we spent together. I so look forward to the coming weekends (and the days between).

  • While I did enjoy that weekend of freedom, can I just say that I'm glad that my family is back from vacation? I missed my sister, you can't tell how much. I even miss how she gets mad at me, that's how much I missed her. We're gonna go watch Meet The Fockers as soon as we can (yes, we're losers - even my mom said, "You haven't seen that yet?" - and we shall rectify that).

  • I have two days off. I'm going to spend most of them sleeping in bliss. This week has officially ended for me, I've done enough dancing, sunning, stressing, crying, laughing, loving to last me all winter. Well, till I wake up again on Saturday, that is.

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