Friday, February 18, 2005

two days, to daze

I had two days off from my real life, which strangely included blogging. I didn't sleep the entire time, I decided against sleeping the days off because I wanted to regulate my sleeping hours and have time for other stuff. I managed to get a lot of stuff done, given that I was online a lot (not blogging, just surfing and emailing and reading other people's blogs, though I did start a meme on my LJ which I will talk about later) and talking to Mikah a lot also. But then talking to Mikah is like breathing, so.

Harhar, Joelle is a cornball.

I give you bulletpoints again. If the bulletpoints are getting on your nerves, please bear with them for now, I'll get back to my regular blogging groove soon. For now, be lucky you even have bulletpoints. Hehe.

On my days off, I was able to:
  • Do four loads of laundry. My mom hadn't done any laundry before she left for Bora and I wasn't able to do any laundry while they were there and neither of us had done any laundry when she got back until yesterday. It was all me. I did whites, then blacks, then coloreds, then a bunch of pants. Daddy said, "Isang linggo ka nang naglalaba, ah." Yeah, it would seem like it. It's a week's worth of laundry, at the very least. I also folded my clothes and my mom's clothes and some of Jacqui's clothes that I thought were my mom's. She thought I folded them all and thanked me. Then, cursed me when I said, "Oh, I didn't fold yours." I had good reason though. Jacqui is very particular about how things are and I didn't want to fold her clothes and have her peeved at me because I folded them the wrong way. Though I do fold clothes very well, I must admit.

  • Work on my thesis. I finalized the methodologies I was going to use and the outline of the thesis. I'm pretty sure it won't satisfy my icky-picky Research teacher (which I love regardless) but I don't care what she thinks of it, I'm very glad I had gotten that toe through the door. I emailed it today. I can't wait to discuss it, even if she tells me all the things I've overlooked, when I go to school on Monday.

  • Watch American Idol. All the people I wanted to see get through got through. You don't know how exciting that is. It's the same with Manhunt, my other current favorite show - now the top three include my manok and Jacqui's manok and this guy we used to like but now don't. We're hoping he gets booted out next Tuesday.

My manok, Jon

Jacqui's manok, Rob

  • Play catch up with my LJ community. Some of them blog on their LJs like thrice a day sometimes. There's a lot I hadn't been reading. I did appropriate this cool writing exercise where people ask you a surreal, unusual or fantastical question and you reply with a blog entry dedicated to that person. I don't post rabidly on LJ so this will give me an opportunity to make regular posts. If you want, you can check it out here and ask me a question as well. You can also ask Mikah a question as well, he's so far got really cool answers.

  • Relax my knees and ankles. They don't hurt as much as they used to. When I say my butt hurts, it's because every part of my legs hurt and it's so bad that even my butt is complaining. When the butt hurts, it's serious shit already. But I'd still like a Mathilde-esque massage though.

-- By the way, if you haven't seen it yet, go check out A Very Long Engagement. Be ready for violent war scenes though.

  • Spent good quality time with the fam. We went to Makati tonight because my mom's classmates are throwing a despedida for the balikbayan classmates. We didn't have dinner with them, we went to Greenbelt and ate in Kitchen. I actually like hanging out with my Dad if neither of us feel like killing each other.

  • Put together a birthday gift. But that's supposed to be a surprise. Hee.

And now I must sleep. Goodnight!

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