Friday, August 20, 2004

as love scenes go...

It's strange how you didn't even want to watch a movie when it first came out and how you didn't even want to watch it when you rented it along with stuff you'd rather see like One Fine Day and The Last Samurai and Mona Lisa Smile, but when you did get to see it, it turns into your favorite movie.

I'm talking about Cold Mountain. I really didn't want to see it, I thought it was going to be this long, boring war movie with a romantic subplot. Then again, this was directed by Anthony Minghella, Mr. English Patient, so what was I thinking? And, forget all the love scenes I have ever praised in the past, this is the super best love scene, well, ever!

My formerly-untapped, now-raging sexual energies aside, it did give me a quite different perspective on the entire waiting thing.

Hmm. That's all I really want to say. Out loud, at least.

By the way, did anyone know that Natalie Portman was in this movie? Did anyone watch this movie at all?


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