Monday, August 30, 2004

"you know me, I take everything so seriously..."

Do you ever feel that sometimes your emotions are just so strong that you can't do anything about them, you just wait to explode? I've spent this entire weekend keeping my emotions in check.

It's strange though, who you turn to at the depths of despair. I got very nice, very comforting words from Caloy; I swear, this man always knows what to say to me, all the time. And it was touching that he knew how important ballet was to me. The thing was, this made me realize that because he's thinking this, it means he's also thinking this is where my world is and I would never leave it for, well, him. So while waiting in dread that I would have to make such a decision soon, I shouldn't have been because he was thinking he didn't want me to make such a decision at all.

Am I making sense? You'll have to forgive me. I'm so overwhelmed about the goings-on in my life that I'm trying to distract myself with things that don't make sense and Angel Corella escapism. I may blog about it all someday. Or not.

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