Wednesday, January 19, 2005

early morning, there's a halo hanging from the corner of my gf's 4-post bed...

I'm changing my time zone. I get way too tired on the weekends getting up at 6 to teach baby ballet class at 8 and have to sustain physical activity till 4pm. And then Monday rolls around and I sleep till 11, at which point I only get up to go to get dressed and head straight for school. And since I wasted all that time during the day sleeping, I figure I should stay up late to do other stuff besides school and ballet, like watch TV, write, surf, etc. (I was refraining from saying "go out with and french kiss handsome boy," but I'm weak, weak, W E A K!!!). And wake up late again the next morning and sleep late again that night (or early the next morning, whichever you prefer). Until the weekend where I have to wake up at 6 to teach a baby ballet class at 8.

And so my time zone is fucked up. Should I still indulge myself with the thought that I was destined to live in Europe and therefore my timezone is only applicable there? I decided, not.

I'm awake this early in the morning because I forced myself to sleep early last night, on account of my zombie-ish weekend where I longed to just rest my head a bit and had no chance to. Saturday, I was already lacking sleep when I went with the fam to my uncle's birthday party, where we stayed till 11 and only went home because I whined that we had to. Sunday, I should have caught zzz's but I laundried all the precious moments between going home from ballet and leaving LP for our weekday house and instead of sleeping when I got to the city, I went out with and french kissed said handsome boy. I know, I know, why complain about lack of sleep when you're the one who makes your bed, but can you blame me? Handsome boy needs to be kissed. Well, I think so, anyway.

I also need to condition my body for Friday: we have 2 shows for the La Salle Greenhills boys at 8 o'clock and again at 1pm. Yes, 8 in the morning. Meaning we have to get up at 5, take class at 6 and be all made up by 7:30. Don't classes start at 8, don't they have to take attendance first? I'm dancing in the three suites of dances in the programme - Blue Girls in Who Cares, my part in Fiesta and Reed Flutes and Waltz of the Flowers in The Nutcracker. They're all highly aerobic and I wonder how I will survive without sleep, given that I live the way I do. I don't intend to find out, really.

Ah, I've almost forgotten what mornings feel like. You know what I feel like doing though? Going back to sleep. Must re.. sis.. ss.. zzz...

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