Wednesday, January 26, 2005

like I have time (my last worrywart blog entry before I write the good stuff)

I wrote down all the things I'm doing according to level of importance and realized that I'm doing quite a lot of stuff and none of them generate income. Well, some of them do, but barely enough to live on. I cannot support a kid on my own and still do half the things I want to do. Which is probably why I haven't gotten pregnant yet.

I said as much to my Dad last weekend (there's been a strange truce in our house over the last week that I've been around him, I can't seem to explain it) and he said, "Eh di wag ka sumayaw at mag call center ka." Kinda immediately puts things in perspective.

I guess my point is I've been doing a lot of stuff lately that I'm so busy and I haven't had time to even sit in front of the TV to couch potato in the longest. Well, don't count last night watching Manhunt while waiting for a call. Yes, I really was waiting for a call when I sat down and watched that "Who's Going To Be The Next Male Supermodel" reality show. No, I don't think I'm being defensive at all. Anyway, with my dancing and teaching and housekeeping and writing and schooling (and I haven't even really started my thesis proposal yet, much less have done research) and blogging, I barely have time for TV, sleep and socializing. I have to figure out soon which to really let go. That would be one of my writing projects, which I really don't want to scrap but will eventually have to, I guess. Or I can figure out how to do away with sleeping altogether. I'm kidding, of course.

At least, my list has convinced me not to apply to teach at UP in the near future as that will definitely demand more full time than I want to give it. I have three shows this weekend and have been going nuts because they're all different repertoire in every show and I'm in most every rehearsal. And, as always, I'd rather run around like a headless chicken in ballet than in any other endeavor, even if it pays only peanuts. Though that would be a funny sight on stage, haha.

I don't know why I'm always worried that I'm not quite the standard 30 year old you see these days, because, hello, nobody's holding a gun to my head. Just let me have a few more minutes to sleep, please?

Ack, I gotta go take a bath now.

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