Friday, January 07, 2005

her majesty, madame lazybottom

The entire Christmas vacation, I was up at nine the latest and prodded myself into productivity: I completed loads upon loads of laundry, I folded the loads of laundry when they dried, I did recital-related stuff before the recital, I baked, I washed dishes, I made coffee. I wouldn't let myself lie in bed more than I had to, I didn't sleep in even if I needed sleep, I didn't do stuff that looked like I wasn't doing anything, like read or watch TV or even stay online long (though I did go online a lot, but then, my net hours were free from midnight till 8 in the morning, who could blame me?

This would be because my Dad is up at four, has gone jogging and back by six and is the busy bee around the house all morning. I don't like to be told that I'm just wasting my life asleep in the mornings, so I try not to be asleep in the morning. Now that we've gone back to the weekday apartment because work has started, I automatically wake up at 6 (and sleep again) then 8 (and sleep again) and finally at 9 and figure out what to do because I've been such a busybody that it's hard to just relax again after getting used to so much productivity.

Today, I woke up at 6 and saw Jacqui getting ready to go to school. I fell asleep again. I woke up at 8 and saw Lucas saving something from the computer (he was standing, meaning he didn't have time to sit down to surf or work, just transfer files perhaps or burning them onto a CD). I fell asleep again. I woke up at 9 to an empty room and the sound of heavy rain. Which I realized was actually running water in the banyo - somebody had forgotten to close the faucet before leaving. I finally got up from bed to shut the water off and watched a little bit of TV. There were a lot of things I thought of doing but I figured I could do them next week - cleaning the bathroom, reading the essays assigned for school, rewriting the statement of the problem for my thesis, productive stuff. While channel surfing, I found myself falling asleep and waking again, dozing off and waking again. I realize it's been a while since I last did that and it felt good.

It's not something I want to do more - I've always been such an irritatingly busy bee, but given a little leisure time, this morning of couch potato-ness was very welcome. Now, I'm going to check my email, read friends' blogs, wash lunch dishes and get ready for ballet class at 5pm. Sounds like a full schedule to me.

1 comment:

joelle said...

la, i sorta (ah, understatement) got into a big fight with my dad. may not go to the beach :( talk to you in detail soon.