Thursday, September 09, 2004

movies that speak to me

Considering how I love being in an airport, it would have been a given that I would adore The Terminal. I know waiting around in boarding lounges in airports isn't the bomb for most people, but I always enjoy it. I actually love the entire process: bringing my bags through the x-ray thingies, checking in, watching people waiting for their planes, getting on the plane, flying, arriving. I think the entire "I'm gonna be flying" thing gets to me and everything involved with it is a shoo-in. It doesn't even matter where I go.

Anyway, Tom Hanks' character gets stuck in an airport terminal. He's from a foreign country, a fictitious Slavic country (north of Albania daw, haha) that was overrun by a coup d'etat while he was in the air. So when he landed, his visa and passport were deemed invalid because his country did not exist to the US. And it was bad because not only could he not leave the terminal and the money he had didn't have any value, he couldn't speak English so it took a while for him to figure out what was going on. It was all so dismal and horrible at the start of the movie, so much so that I wanted to run into the screen and give Tom Hanks a hug.

Anyway, the movie gets better and is one of the best movies I've seen this year. I recommend it to anyone who has ever been at a point in their lives where everything seemed hopeless. And to anyone who would love a good laugh.

Another good laugh is 13 Going On 30. It's a story about making a mess of your life and needing to be 13 to be able to see that the person you are at 30 wasn't the person you wanted to become after all. I'm going to ruin this part for you - at one scene in the film, Jennifer Garner asks her mother, "If you would do something in your life over again, what would you do?" She replies nothing, because "even if I had made mistakes, those mistakes had taught me how I can make it better." And I realize, if I didn't make mistakes in the first place, I wouldn't be the wiser. I thought that it was such a cool way of looking at making a mess of your life.

Creeping me out though was this is my age bracket. At 13, also in such a hurry to grow up, I was wearing leggings (*cringe*), listening to the Go-Gos and kissing the TV as Rick Springfield would sing "Jesse's Girl." And now, I'm 30. But I had learned early on not to let these mistakes that I make bother me. As I was telling a new friend I made, I have gotten to the point where I've realized acceptance is way easier than angsting about mistakes.

By the way, Gollum is in that movie!!! Not the CGI, but Andy Serkis. It was such a trip.

Being a bum around the house has never been so much fun.

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