Thursday, September 02, 2004

this is so dead poets society without the killing yourself

I have been withdrawn from my career from powers stronger than I'll ever be. While the past two weeks have been a period of waiting and seeing and trying not to explode, this morning, the dealbreaker to end all dealbreakers finally, unfortunately, pushed through.

It stuns me though that it wasn't even my last week of dancing professionally. Just my last three days.

They were the best three days of my life. Wherever this takes me, I know I'll be okay.

Still feels crappy though.


Anonymous said...

Whaaaat? What happened?- Lala

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. This is why you should at least TRY to audition somewhere out of the country...preferably in Dallas!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sige na, we can share an apartment, then you can find a job teaching din. yun nga lang you might have to go to Fort Worth, i don't think Dallas has a ballet company, and I know the fort worth one has been advertising on tv.

I guess you can tell who this is. :-)

joelle said...

La, it's a long story and I don't want to talk about it yet. Maybe one of these days.

Yes I know it's you, Marga. :)

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear that jo :( let's go out soon ha? am coming home in 2 days :) --kitch