Saturday, September 25, 2004

my ponytail is a cute little thing

My dad cut my hair yesterday. It's not a "heartbroken woman acting out!" thing, I don't think cutting my hair is as much acting out as other things I've been doing recently; I've just been home and exposed to my family long enough to feel very annoyed at their grating rants over my hair. You see, I love my hair when it's long. I feel very Siren-sitting-on-warm-rocks and I think I look purty. Even if I don't comb it as much as I should. But then, the entity that is Daddy-Mommy-Jacqui are all irritated that I don't comb my hair and I look like a hag, which is really a nicer way of putting it than what they actually say to my face.

It's not really envy, just that this entity is opinionated, too opinionated, in fact, opinionated threefold. Although, it may be irritation stemmed from a little envy, a bit in Jacqui's case, because I'm the only offspring with naturally straight like rain hair (my dad will give me shit for any reason he can find, so his is not envy at all). You see, we all had straight like rain hair when we were growing up, but the other three siblings just suddenly woke up one day (not all the same day) to find that God or puberty had frizzed their hair for the rest of their lives. A natural permanent, as it were. They've all been obsessed about their curliness that they must hate that I have straight hair and don't comb it. Okay, I get that, but it's my hair. And God probably gave me straight like rain hair for the rest of my life specifically for that purpose. Not bad for someone who was born bald and had to go through childhood constantly mistaken for a boy.

Still, instead of enduring all the talk about my hair, I decided to give in and let my Dad cut it. It's now shoulder length and I won't be getting "Shan Chai!" hoots on the street or in the ballet studio for quite a while again (then again, since the death of Meteor Garden, that had not been happening for a while, anyway). And I probably resemble one of the Little Mermaid's sisters, who cut their hair to give to the Sea Witch to buy their sister back, if I resemble a mermaid at all. But at least the entity has shut up.

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